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Mantra accumulation for Rinpoche

Long Life for Rinpoche

I pray for the Lama’s well being.
I pray for the Lama’s longevity.
I pray for the Lama’s activities flourish endlessly.
With his blessing, may I never be apart from the Lama.

1 Million short mantra of Amitayus for the long life of our precious Rinpoche

Our precious Lama, the Yogi Chödpa Lama Rinpoche, is always offering to us and to all sentient beings his precious time, all his energy to help us to find the endless genuine hapiness. Rinpoche is now facing many obstacles and his health is not as strong as in the past. For the long life of our precious Chödpa Lama Rinpoche, we, devoted students, have accumulated 1 million of Amitayus’ short mantra.

Long life and good health for our precious Lama! May your activities arise endlessly in the Three Times and the Ten Directions for the benefit of all mother sentient beings.

One day puja for the long life and good health for our precious Rinpoche

Our dear Dharma sister Miky has asked that we make a request to HE Ayang Rinpoche to advice us what pujas have to be done for our precious Rinpoche, for his swift health recovery and long life. HE Ayang Rinpoche has told us to do:

  • Medicine Buddha offering 100 times;
  • Ushnisha White Umbrella;
  • Lion Face Dakini;
  • Sherab Nyingpo;
  • White painting of stupa;
  • Life release as much as possible.

Therefore we have requested Samdrup Darjay Choling Moastery in Sonada (India) to do one day puja and white painting of the eight stupas. Last Tuesday, 8th of September, the monks of Kalu Rinpoche main monastery have performed a wonderful day of prayers with 1000 butter lamps offering for our precious Rinpoche.

Tsok offering
Medecine Buddha puja
1000 butter lamps offering

Sincerely thank you to all the monks for these wonderful day of prayers for our precious Rinpoche and also a special thank you to Lama Tsering Wangdi for organizing all these on behalf of Machig Ling Sangha.

The eight stupas of Samdrup Darjay Choling Monastery have been white painted in autumn 2020.

All the merits accumulated are dedicated to the long life and good health of our precious Chödpa Lama Rinpoche, HH the 17th Karmapa Orgyen Trinley, HE Kalu Rinpoche, HE Ayang Rinpoche, all the Lamas of all lineages and for the liberation of suffering of all Mother sentient beings.

Sarvam Mangalam

Medicine Buddha prayer for the swift health’s recovery for our precious Rinpoche

Our dear Dharma sister Grace, on behalf of all Machig Ling Sanghas, has requested Khenpo Tobden from Amitabha Hong Kong center to do Medicine Buddha puja for the swift recovery of our precious Rinpoche. Everyday, Khenpo Tobden does Medicine Buddha prayer for our precious Rinpoche.

Sincerely thank you to Khenpo Tobden on behalf of Machig Ling sangha.

Accumulation of mantras for our precious Chödpa Lama Rinpoche’s long life and good health

Message from Rinpoche | July 11th 2020

All my loved ones, our sangha, our karmic family,

It’s such excellent feelings to have such a family across the world in different nationalities, ethnic groups, races, nations, colours, who cares about you. Particularly when you are weak, down, low with health problem. I treasure this karmic family more then anything else. Plus, I see you all are doing excellent work in such a unprecedented moment in this beautiful world which is our home, by online group practice with community, mantra recitation, specially our HK sangha engaging in saving life practice, all these makes me more close to you all, and you have won my heart in this way. Whenever you behave like good human beings and you do something uniquely and have excellent conducts, that takes my heart away. Then most amazing part of all these, my health is recovering day by day, because of your prayers, because of your love and care, and of course, because of the blessings of all the Vctorious Ones.

I would like to express millions and millions thanks to you all from the bottom of my heart. I would also special thanks to those who has supported me financially in this difficult time. The whole meaning of life is give and take, which makes sense perfectly.

The most exciting news is, here I am preparing for a short retreat in the nature in my Van, in a beautiful place called Norwood Ontario. I will include you all in my thoughts and I will also include all those personally I don’t know.

Lots of love

The accumulation of mantras for our precious Rinpoche’s health recovery and long life has been completed! 1 136 144 mantras and 51 763 Guru Rinpoche 7 lines prayer have been accumulated for the long life of our precious Rinpoche.

The objective numbers of mantras to be achieved are:

  • Short Amitayus mantra: 500 000 –> Objective exceeded!
  • Mani: 500 000 –> Objective exceeded!
  • 7 lines Guru Rinpoche prayer (not the short mantra): 50 000 –> Objective exceeded!
Additional Mantras accumulated for Rinpoche:
  • From Peter:
    • Tara: 2 400
    • Sangye Menla: 2 000
  • From Helen Chan:
    • White Tara: 60 000
    •   White Tara Long life: 7 200
  • From Tina Lai:
    • Guru Dragpo: 40 000
  • From Nigel:
    • Guru Rinpoche Long life: 100 000
  • From Hui (Germany):
    • White Amitabha 1 836
    • Sangye Menla sutra: 32
  • From Nicole:
    • 21 Tara: 174
    • Vajrasattva 800
    • Sang smoke offering: 8
  • From Ingrid:
    • SangyeMenla: 129
  • From Silke and Nicole:
    • Heartsutra: 43
  • From Reinhard:
    • The perfekt wisdom in one syllable: 1 836
    • Illuminating the darkness of the ten directions: 57
  • From Silke:
    • Prajnaparamita: 101 000

Dear Sangha,

For the health and the benefit of our Chödpa Lama Chökyi Wangpo Rinpoche and the pure Chöd lineage, and to transform all kinds of hindrances into beautiful opportunities, we dedicate all the merit of this accumulation in the same way as the perfect ancestors, our gurus Tilopa, Naropa, Marpa, Milarepa, Gampopa, Karmapa and the other perfect teachers, especially the 8 Great Mahasattvas Avalokiteshvara, Manjushri, Vajrapani, Maitreya, Kshitigarbha, Akashagarbha, Sarvanivaranaviskambhin and Samantabhadra have dedicated their merit.

May all be auspicious!

Reinhard, the devoted student

In addition to the accumulation of mantras, many lives have been released by all Sangha accross the world for our precious Rinpoche.

Life releases for Yogi Chödpa Lama Rinpoche’s long life

Life release by Hong Kong Sangha for the long life of our precious Rinpoche | July 11th, 2020 – Hong Kong